Sunday, January 10, 2016

Fungus of the day

Phellinus rimosus- Polyporaeae

Also known as Fomes rimosus
This fungus grows on living or dead black locust. For what I see, the Polypore was growing first on the tree when it was alive. As the tree fell down. the Polypore 'accommodated' itself  and a new fungus -lower left- is growing in the right position!  the size of this exemplar is 42cm, about 17 inches. The fungus becomes cracked as it ages. The tubes (inner structure that releases pores) grow 2-5mm per season, so imagine how old this one could be! This and the one below were found in Rancocas Nature Center few minutes away from Smithville Park, NJ.
Different views of the same polypore in another spot.

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